Breastfeeding and WIC
Promoting, supporting, and protecting breastfeeding is a crucial part of the Missouri WIC program. All local agencies in Missouri have staff trained to provide basic breastfeeding education and support and provide an environment supportive of breastfeeding. Agencies can choose to participate in the Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Program to provide an extra measure of support, and can be designated as Breastfeeding Friendly WIC Clinics once they meet specific criteria.
Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Program
Who are peer counselors?
Women in the community with personal breastfeeding experience who provide information and support to other mothers.

What Does A Peer Counselor Do?
- Gives basic breastfeeding information and support to new mothers.
- Helps mothers achieve their own breastfeeding goals.
- Regularly contacts mothers during their pregnancy, during the early days of breastfeeding, and until the mother chooses to wean her baby.
- Refers mothers with concerns outside the peer counselor’s scope of practice to appropriate lactation experts or health care professionals.
- Refers non-WIC mothers to other community breastfeeding resources if they are not eligible for WIC.
- Is a role model for other WIC mothers.
How to Find a Peer Counselor
Find a Missouri WIC local agency with a peer counselor on staff. Use the Missouri WIC interactive map for the location and contact information of all WIC local agencies.