Promoting, supporting, and protecting breastfeeding is a crucial part of the Missouri WIC program. All WIC local agencies in Missouri have staff trained to provide basic breastfeeding education and support and provide an environment supportive of breastfeeding. Agencies can choose to participate in the Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Program to provide an extra measure of support, and can be designated as Breastfeeding Friendly WIC Clinics once they meet specific criteria.

WIC Breastfeeding Support

Breastfeeding is special—it prevents certain diseases, helps babies grow and develop, and makes them feel safe and secure. It’s also a journey, with ups and downs and feelings of accomplishment and frustration. To make it work, breastfeeding moms need accurate information and timely support, and they can find both at their WIC local agencies. Click below for inspiring stories of breastfeeding support from WIC families and staff, then check out further materials on these helpful links.

Breastfeeding Support Stories
