Nursing Homes and Other Long-Term Care
- Adult Abuse and Neglect Hotline
- Employee Disqualification List
- Family Care Safety Registry
- Laws -- Regulations -- Manuals -- Directories
- Nursing Home Compare
- Nursing Home Inspection Reports
- Ombudsman Program
- Provider Information
- Respirator Training
Long-term care facilities provide different levels of care depending upon a person’s needs. The department inspects each home at least annually to ensure residents are receiving the proper care. Inspectors also investigate complaints at nursing homes as often as necessary to ensure residents’ health and safety. View nursing home inspection reports.
Licensed Administrators manage licensed long-term care facilities, including facilities offering skilled care, intermediate care, assisted living and residential care. They oversee staff, ensure that regulations are followed and monitor the facility’s financial stability. Administrators must be licensed by the Board of Nursing Home Administrators. Applications and renewals for a nursing home administrator or residential care/assisted living administrator license are made through the Board of Nursing Home Administrators.
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) must complete an approved training program designed to prepare individuals for employment in a long-term care facility. The CNA program teaches skills in resident care under the direct supervision of a licensed nurse. The program consists of 75 classroom hours and 100 on-the-job training hours.
To become a Certified Medical Technician (CMT), applicants must first complete an approved CNA training course. CMT training consists of at least 60 classroom hours of instruction and a minimum or 8-hours of clinical practice under the direct supervision of an instructor. After completion, a CMT will be able assist licensed practical nurses or registered professional nurses in administration of nonparenteral medications.
Insulin Administration prepares medication technicians in a skilled or intermediate care facility or medication aides in a residential care facility or assisted living facility to administer insulin.
Level I Medication Aide, must complete an approved curriculum of a least 16 hours in order to qualify to administer medications in residential care facilities and assisted living facilities.