The PASRR is a federally mandated screening process for individuals with serious mental illness and/or intellectual disability/developmental disability related diagnosis who apply or reside in Medicaid Certified beds in a nursing facility regardless of the source of payment. The screening assures appropriate placement of persons known or suspected of having a mental impairment(s) and also that the individual needs of mentally impaired persons can be and are being met in the appropriate placement environment.

The online PASRR training provides the following information: contact information, overview, types of admissions, DA-124 A/B and DA-124C form explanations, special admission categories, assessed needs, and much more.

If you have questions, contact the Central Office Medical Review Unit (COMRU) at 573-522-3092 or

Online Application


As of December 20, 2024 COMRU is currently processing Level 1 applications submitted on November 25, 2024. The COMRU office will be closed on 12-24-2024 (starting at noon) and 12-25-2024. Merry Christmas.


Additional Information