The goal of the In-Home Quality Campaign is two-fold:

  • increase the knowledge of aides working for in-home agencies
  • decrease the number of non-emergency trips by clients to emergency rooms and hospitals

The training materials were initially part of a national campaign for Home Health agencies and have been modified for use by Missouri In-Home Providers. As new modules are completed, they will be added to this webpage.

There are modules for in-home aides and for in-home nurses. Each module contains teaching points, links, and a post-test.

Several of the modules include links to audio and video educational pieces. In some cases, those links are part of the national campaign and in order to access them, you must follow the directions below. Signing up and accessing the links is entirely voluntary on your part.

Accessing audio and video links:

To link to the additional training materials indicated in the modules, In-Home Providers will need to contact the Home Health Quality Improvement Campaign at the link below.

  1. Go to the HHQI website at;
  2. Follow the “Registration” tab on the blue toolbar at the top and create an account;
    1. When asked if you are with a home health agency, mark ‘NO’ unless you are part of a CMS-reporting home health agency.
  3. Log in whenever you like to view the materials.
  4. Follow instructions in the various training modules to find the appropriate links.
  5. If you have any difficulties use the “Help” button under “Quick Links” on the HHQI department website.

Training Modules

Note: There are post tests for most of the modules. For an answer sheet (which contains the answers for all modules), have a member of the agency’s management team email the Bureau of Long Term Services and Supports at to request the answers. The answers will be emailed to you.