Community Water Fluoridation Operator Training Flyer – Free in-person training around the State of Missouri. See the flyer for more information on locations, dates and registration.

Community Water Fluoridation Basics

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) and the Missouri Water Resources Research Center (MOWRRC) have teamed up to develop an online training for drinking water treatment process operators and water administrators. The objectives of the training covers how to provide fluoridated water through a community water system, answers questions and dispels myths about community water fluoridation.

This training consists of six modules. Each module has three parts. Each part consists of information and a set of questions pertaining to what you just learned. The focus and time range for each module varies. Before you begin, verify the length of the training provided in each title to complete each module within one setting. Completion of all six modules provides one (1) free CE credit. Learn more about the training and modules in the flyer Community Water Fluoridation Basics.

The course works to your advantage to complete the modules in order. Click a module link below to begin:

CDC Water Fluoridation Trainings

  • Fluoridation Learning Online (FLO) contains four modules. Missouri water operators will receive continuing education (CE) credits from Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
  • Fluoridation Resources Online is designed to be a resource for water operators and fluoridation program managers as well as State oral health staff and practitioners, State drinking water regulators, educators, students, and governmental officials.