Preventive Services Program (PSP)
About Us
The Preventive Services Program (PSP) is dedicated to improving healthy smiles for all of Missouri’s children through education and preventive treatment. The goal of PSP is to review Missouri children’s oral health and provide a public health intervention called fluoride varnish.
Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood. Untreated tooth decay can cause pain and infections that may lead to problems with eating, speaking, playing, and learning. Children who have poor oral health often miss more school and receive lower grades than children who have good oral health. Oral Health is an important part of general health.
The good news is that tooth decay is preventable. Fluoride varnish can prevent about one-third (33%) of cavities in the primary (baby) teeth.
The Preventive Services Program Brochure and the PSP Informational Presentation below provide information on how you can bring PSP to your community.
For more information Email us or call us at 573-751-5874 to learn more about having an oral health event in your community!
- Fluoride Varnish – A Cavity Fighting Tool!
- What is the Difference between Dental Sealant and Fluoride Varnish
- Preventive Services Program (PSP) Dashboard
- PSP Information Flyer
PSP Volunteer Information
As a PSP volunteer, you will be one of many involved in a PSP event. This is the purpose of PSP, “Many hands working together for the oral health of the community”.
Below is a list of the various roles where your help is needed. Read through the areas to find where you may be able to help.
Professional Volunteers
The individuals listed below, who complete the online Oral Health Review Calibration annually, may conduct PSP oral health reviews.
- Dentists.
- Dental Students (Competency as determined by faculty of respective dental school, typically third or fourth year students).
- Dental Hygienists.
- Dental Hygiene Students (Competency as determined by faculty of respective dental hygiene program, typically second year students).
- Dental Assistants (Certified Dental Assistant or passage of Missouri Dental Assisting Basic Skills exam and/or a minimum of two years chairside experience).
- Licensed Medical Professionals (i.e., Physicians, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, etc.).
- Medical Professional Students (Competency as determined by faculty of respective medical or nursing program).
- Community Health Care Coordinator or Community Dental Health Care Coordinator.
Community Volunteers
- Assist with applying fluoride varnish.
- Record information for the oral health reviewers.
- Assist with the oral health education component of PSP (curriculum & material provided).
- Escort children to the event and back to their classrooms.
- Assist with the distribution of materials (toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc.).
- Assist with directing and monitoring children while at the event.
- Assist with paperwork.
Time Commitment
No two PSP events are the same. Your time commitment may be a few hours, or it may be most of a school day. We appreciate any time you can offer!
Contact the DHSS Office of Dental Health to become a PSP Volunteer.
Email: or call 573-751-5874.Thank you for volunteering to help improve the oral health of Missouri’s children.
PSP Calibrations/Trainings
Visitors are welcome to view this course, but only the individuals that meet the PSP Volunteer criteria are allowed to conduct the oral health reviews and are responsible for the PSP results. It is mandatory that this calibration course be completed each school year. Instructions to watch the calibration and receive a certificate are below.
Calibration for Oral Health Reviewers
- It may be helpful to have the PSP Oral Health Review Form and the slides for reference during the calibration course video. If you want the PSP Oral Health Review Form and slides for the video, email your request to We will send the documents to you.
- The Closed Captions will play automatically. You have the option to turn off the Closed Captions by pressing the CC button on the tool bar at the bottom right of the video screen before starting the video. The Closed Captions interferes with the pictures on some of the slides.
- After you have finished the video, complete the Calibration Completion/Registration Form. Please complete the 5-question quiz and the registration form. You must answer all 5 questions correctly. After you submit the form, the certificate for the calibration for 1 CEU (continuing education unit) for dentists, hygienists, and expanded function dental assistants (EFDA) will appear. Complete the fillable certificate. Print and/or save the certificate for your records.
It may be helpful to watch the Oral Health Training & Calibration for Non-Dental Providers created and presented by Dr. Vick at Kansas City University, College of Dental Medicine. We recommend watching sections 4, 5 and 6. The full video is about 60 minutes long. Section 1 is an introduction - 2 minutes long. Section 2 is an overview of oral disease and caries - 9 minutes long. Section 3 is an overview of tooth development, nomenclature, common dental issues, and emergencies – 9 minutes long. Section 4 covers Screenings/Reviews – 18 minutes long. Section 5 covers Fluoride – 4 ½ minutes long. Section 6 is a practice screening/reviewing session - 16 minutes long.
Calibration/Training for Fluoride Varnish Application
Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and complete the online Fluoride Varnish Application Calibration to apply the fluoride varnish to children participating in the Preventive Services Program (PSP). It is mandatory that this calibration/training course be completed each school year. Instructions to watch the calibration/training video and receive a certificate are below.
- It may be helpful to slides for reference while watching the Calibration/Training video. If you want the slide for the video, email your request to ODH will send the document to you.
- The Closed Captions will play automatically. You have the option to turn off the Closed Captions by pressing the CC button on the tool bar at the bottom right of the video screen before starting the video. The Closed Captions interferes with the pictures on some of the slides.
- After you have finished the video, complete the Calibration/Training Completion/Registration Form. Complete the 3-question quiz and the registration form. You must answer all 3 questions correctly. After you submit the form, the certificate for the calibration/training for 1 CEU (continuing education unit) for dentists, hygienists, and expanded function dental assistants (EFDA) will appear. Complete the fillable certificate. Print and/or save the certificate for your records.
If a large group views this training session, please have all participants complete the registration form individually.
Video - Fluoride Varnish Application for a Small Child
Instructional video for volunteers who will be applying fluoride varnish to a small child’s teeth.
PSP Forms

Thank you for participating in the Preventive Services Program!
Go Green by using Online Form! Helps save paper & Shipping Costs
Prior to PSP Event (4 weeks)
Contact the Office of Dental Health if you need the Consent & Results Form translated to another language.
Day of PSP Event
After PSP Event (1-2 days)
Plan for 2nd Varnish a Minimum of 3 Months from 1st Varnish
Additional Information
- PSP Event Set-Up Floor Plan and Volunteer Guide
- Volunteer Oral Health Reviewer Recruitment Letter
- Emergency Use Only! PSP Oral Health Review Form - If you are not able to use the Online PSP Oral Health Review Form or you did not receive enough paper forms, you may print additional copies. Forms you print require manual entry by the Office of Dental Health.
- PSP Oral Health Review Reference Guide
Fluoride Varnish Information
Literature on Fluoride Varnish Interventions
- American Academy Pediatric Dentistry - Policy on Use of Fluoride
- New study questions value of fluoride varnish
- Fluoride Varnish from Journal of Dental Sciences, 2022
- Fluoride Fact Sheet for Health Professionals
- Fluoride Fact Sheet for Consumers
- Fluoride Varnish for Preventing Dental Caries in Children and Adolescents
- Fluoride Varnish: What Parents Need to Know
- Fluoride Varnish and Silver Diamine Fluoride: a Resource Guide
- Effect of Fluoride Varnish in Preventing Dental Caries of First Permanent Molars: A 24-Month Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
- Fluoride Varnish: What Parents Need to Know