The 4th quarter 2024 quarterly reporting is currently closed. On April 1, 2025 SHCSA's that have been issued an approved initial or renewal registration as of 3/30/2025 will be required to submit the 1st quarter 2025 quarterly reporting survey. An email from with the survey link will be sent to the responsible contact person. Survey submission is still required even if the agency did not have personnel working in Missouri or personnel working at a certified health care facility during 3rd quarter 2024.

Any registered supplemental health care services agency that contracts with a health care facility that participates in Medicare or Medicaid shall submit the following report every quarter to the department:

  • A detailed list of each health care facility participating in Medicare or Medicaid with whom the agency has contracted over the prior quarter;
  • A detailed list of the average amount charged by the agency to the health care facility over the prior quarter, broken down by health care facility and each individual health care personnel within each job classification (including but not limited to nursing, therapy, dietary/nutrition, lab, and radiology); and
  • A detailed list of the average amount paid by the agency to health care personnel over the prior quarter, broken down by health care facility and each individual health care personnel within each job classification, including but not limited to nursing, therapy, dietary/nutrition, lab, and radiology.

The required submission dates shall be as follows:

  • The quarterly report containing data from January 1 through March 31 opens April 1 and shall be submitted no later than April 30;
  • The quarterly report containing data from April 1 through June 30 opens July 1 and shall be submitted no later than July 31;
  • The quarterly report containing data from July 1 through September 30 opens October 1 and shall be submitted no later than October 31;
  • The quarterly report containing data from October 1 through December 31 opens January 1 and shall be submitted no later than January 31.