Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) providers may choose to participate in the reassessment of participants of Division of Senior and Disability Services (DSDS) that they serve by becoming a Type 27 provider. Employees of a Type 27 provider with the required qualifications may choose to complete Provider Reassessments following the appropriate certification process.

DSDS provides training for new provider assessors to ensure consistent application of HCBS policy related to reassessments. HCBS reassessment providers are responsible for ensuring that all qualified assessors have completed the online reassessment training and passed the exam.

Upon completion of the online training, the trainee must submit proof of qualification to DSDS and request the test by emailing ReassessorTraining@health.mo.gov. Email confirmation will be sent by DSDS upon reviewing of qualifications.

For individuals who have completed all the online training sessions, an exam will be emailed upon request and returned to ReassessorTraining@health.mo.gov upon completion. An individual must pass the test with an 80% in order to have successfully passed the training and receive a certificate. The only individuals permitted to test without completing the online training sessions are those who have previously attended or completed training.

Training certification must be maintained in the assessor’s personnel file and made available upon DSDS or MMAC request.

Type 27 providers shall ensure that all assessors receive and review DSDS updates of policy and procedure information regarding reassessments that is disseminated by DSDS through HCBS Policy Memos and INFO Memos. To receive electronic notification of updates all HCBS providers are to subscribe to DSDS E-News.

Online Training Modules

Medicaid Training
Adverse Actions
Introduction to State Plan Services
Consumer Directed Services Training
RCF-ALF Provider Reassessment Training
PC, APC, & RN training
Waiver Services - Introduction
Waiver Services - Adult Day Care Waiver
Waiver Services - Aged & Disabled Waiver
Independent Living Waiver (ILW)
Structured Family Caregiver Waiver Provider Training
How to Build a Care Plan Button
Reassessment Process Button

InterRAI Trainings

InterRAI Button Intro
InterRAI Button A & B
InterRAI Button C & D
InterRAI Button E & F
InterRAI Button G
InterRAI Button H & I
InterRAI Button J K & L
InterRAI Button M N & O
InterRAI Button P Q & R
InterRAI Button S & T

Web Tool Training Modules

Part 1: Logging in and Searching for Participant
Part 2: Review and Prepare for Reassessment
Part 3: Adding a Reassessment
Part 4: Care Planning