
Area agencies on aging (AAAs) can provide in-home services for Missourians aged 60 or older. These services are intended to assist in the activities of daily living which help older adults stay safe, healthy, and independent in their homes. In-Home services include:

  • Personal care: Assistance (personal assistance, stand-by assistance, supervision, or cues) with activities of daily living* (ADLs) and/or health-related tasks provided in a person’s home, and possibly, other community settings. Personal care may include assistance with instrumental activities of daily living** (IADLs).
  • Homemaker: Performance of light housekeeping tasks provided in a person’s home, and possibly, other community settings. Tasks may include preparing meals, shopping for personal items, managing money, or using the telephone, in addition to light housework.
  • Chore: Performance of heavy household tasks provided in a person’s home, and possibly, other community settings. Tasks may include yard work or sidewalk maintenance, in addition to heavy housework.
  • Respite: A respite service provided in the home of the caregiver or care receiver and allows the caregiver time away to do other activities. During such respite, other activities can occur which may offer additional support to either the caregiver or care receiver, including homemaker or personal care services.
  • Respite (Day- Out of Home)- A respite service provided in settings other than the caregiver/care receiver’s home, including adult day care, senior center, or other non-residential setting (in the case of older relatives raising children, day camps), where an overnight stay does not occur that allows the caregiver time away to do other activities.
  • Telephone reassurance- A service where the older adult receives a call to check in and provide support and companionship.
  • Friendly visiting/in-home visitation- A service where an older adult receives in-home visitation from someone for assistance and socialization.
  • Homebound shopping- A service provided to homebound older adults to ensure they have adequate food in the home.
  • Home modification and repair- A service provided to older adults or caregivers to ensure that the home is safe and healthy for continued community living.
  • Assistive technology and automation- A service utilizing the assistance of technology or automation to ensure safety or provide companionship for older adults and caregivers.
  • Medication set-up- A service in which and older adult or caregiver receives assistance in setting up the medications needed.

Individuals age 60 or over may qualify if they have Medicaid, but do not meet the nursing home level of care.

*ADLs, or activities of daily living, are more basic tasks that are essential to independent living. These tasks include eating, bathing or showering, grooming, walking, dressing and undressing, transfers, and assistance with toileting.

**IADLs, or instrumental activities of daily living, are more complex tasks that are still a necessary part of everyday life. These skills are: using the telephone, shopping, preparing meals, housekeeping, using transportation, taking medication, and managing finances.


Find your local AAA here to inquire about in-home assistance available in your area. You can also call the Missouri Senior Resource Line toll-free at 1-800-235-5503 to be connected with local assistance.


Additional resources can be found at the following links:

This project was supported, in part by grant number 2201MOOASS, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201.