Apply now for the Turnip the Beet
High Quality Summer Meals Award Program!

The Turnip the Beet Award recognizes outstanding Summer Meal Program Sponsors across the nation who work hard to offer high-quality meals to children that are appetizing, appealing, and nutritious during the summer months.


  • Each award winner will receive banners, yard signs, window clings, a certificate, & a press release template to recognize their achievement.
  • All Summer Meal Program Sponsors who are in compliance with Program requirements are eligible for a Turnip the Beet Award.
  • If you are interested in being considered for this award, please submit a nomination form and a one-month menu by September 16, 2024.
  • Nomination Form
  • The form, menu, and any other supporting documents can be sent by email to
  • For more information about the Turnip the Beet Award, you can visit the USDA link:


SFSP PRESS RELEASE: Online map and text number will help families locate local summer food programs

There are Quick Reference Guides available to assist you in using the CNPWeb. These can be easily accessed at: Quick Reference Guides | Summer Food Service Program | Health & Senior Services (

boy eatingThe Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) helps assure that eligible populations have access to nutritious meals during the summer months. When school is not in session, SFSP provides reimbursement to community agencies offering the required continuum of meals. Eligible participants include: children 0 through 18 years of age whose family incomes are less than or equal to 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines; and to income-eligible adults over 18 years of age who have been determined by a state educational agency to have a disability and who participate in a school-based program for the disabled during the school year. SFSP contracts with schools and other community-based organizations to sponsor the local programs and provide meals that meet established guidelines. By increasing the nutrient intake of program participants, SFSP reduces their risk for health problems and enhances their learning capacities. The program also improves the quality of the summer programs offered in areas of economic need.

The SFSP is administered by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Links to Important Information

General Information

Sponsor Directory


To become a SFSP sponsor follow the instructions in the application packet under Forms.



The Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Community Food and Nutrition Assistance is requesting that USDA approve the state requested waiver to allow participating SFSP sponsoring organizations the option to serve meals during the current school year in a non-congregate setting for up to 10 days during unanticipated school closures with no virtual learning in place.  The school closure must be related to natural disasters, unscheduled major building repairs, court orders relating to school safety or other issues, labor-management disputes, or, when approved by CFNA, similar unanticipated causes. The non-congregate meals can only be claimed if served with prior written approval before implementation.

For more information regarding this requested waiver, email the Summer Food Service Program at


The Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Community Food and Nutrition Assistance is requesting that the USDA approve the State requested waiver to allow the summer meal sponsors that operate outdoor meal service at sites without a temperature-controlled alternative to provide a non-congregate meal service on days when the area experiences excessive heat or other exceptional circumstances – with state approval per excessive heat day.  This waiver is requested to be effective for SFSP program year 2023; May 15, 2024 through September 30, 2024. If approved, an email will be sent to all SFSP sponsors notifying them of the approval.

For more information regarding requested waivers, please email the Summer Food Service Program at