
  • Summer Food Service Program Manual
  • Income Eligibility Guidelines for Camps and Enrolled Sites
    This booklet contains the income eligibility guidelines and instructions for completing the Income Eligibility Form - CACFP 1004. Camps are reimbursed only for meals served to income eligible participants. Enrolled sites receive reimbursement only if 50% of enrolled participants are income eligible. Information about family size and household income must be submitted and signed by a family member or legal guardian. Eligibility status is determined by comparing this information to the income eligibility guidelines.
  • USDA Administration Guide
    This publication provides information for staff of all local organizations that participate or plan to participate as sponsors in the Summer Food Service Program. It consists of information on planning and administering the program, and a reference section that provides sample copies of forms, worksheets and other reference materials that may be helpful to sponsors in administering the program.
  • USDA Food Buying Guide
    The Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs is designed by the USDA to help you buy the right amount of food and help you determine the specific contribution each food makes toward the meal pattern requirements. It also has yield data for more than 1,200 food items.
  • USDA Nutrition Guide
    This guide has been developed to help sponsors identify their food service responsibilities. This publication offers sample menus of breakfasts, lunches and snacks, along with menu planning and nutrition guidance. Also included are food service record-keeping requirements, food buying and storage information, and guidance in the areas of food safety and sanitation. This guide is primarily for use by sponsors who prepare meals on-site or in central kitchens.
  • USDA Site Supervisor’s Guide
    In this book, you will find: what you can expect from your sponsor; your responsibilities as a site supervisor; the meal pattern requirements for the meals you serve; safety rules to keep in mind; how to work with official visitors; questions and answers; and some do’s and don’ts while running your site. Spanish version available on request.
  • USDA Sponsor Monitor’s Guide
    This guide is designed to give monitors a working knowledge of the Summer Food Service Program, and the duties and responsibilities of the sponsor's representative.