How to Take Charge of Your Health Report
National Women's Health Week


Women make choices every day that can impact their health. Even small choices can have a big impact on daily health. Choosing to drink water over a sugary drink can reduce calories. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator can burn calories and increase heart health. Being smokefree is one of the best choices for living a healthy lifestyle. Smoking is the most preventable cause of disease, disability and death in Missouri.

There are many health differences between men and women. Many conditions are more common in women, such as breast cancer, osteoporosis and depression. Signs and symptoms for serious health conditions may be different for women. Women and men often have very different warning signs for heart attacks. Being well informed about warning signs could be the difference between seeking immediate care versus overlooking unclear symptoms. For further information about a variety of women’s health topics, click here.

Women have preventive screening needs that differ from men. Consult with your health care provider to determine what screenings are right for you.

For ALL MCH Activities Funded by the Title V MCH Block Grant