Healthy Families
- Adolescent Health
- Community Health Workers
- Cord Blood Banking
- Food Programs
- Genetics & Early Childhood
- Handwashing
- Health Professional Loan and Loan Repayment Programs
- Healthy Babies
- Healthy Children
- Infant Mortality
- Injury & Violence Prevention
- Maternal Child Health Block Grant
- Minority Health
- Oral Health
- Overdose Prevention and Response
- Primary Care
- Rural Health
- School Health
- Special Health Care Needs Services
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- WIC (Women, Infants & Children)
- Women's Health
Good health begins at home. Giving your baby the best start in life, creating a safe home environment and helping your teenager deal with the pressures of adolescence are just of few of the health issues families face every day.

For some families, special health care services are needed when unexpected situations arise such as a child with disability or an ongoing medical problem.
Schools and community groups throughout Missouri help many families stay healthy by providing nutritious meals, health education and screening services.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services works with organizations across the state to offer information and assistance to improve the health and well-being of thousands of Missouri families every year.