Recent News
January 31, 2020
DHSS issues certifications for medical marijuana seed-to-sale entities
Media Contact:
Lisa Cox
Chief, Office of Public Information
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
JEFFERSON CITY, MO – The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has begun the process of issuing the first round of certifications for medical marijuana seed-to-sale entities.
A seed-to-sale tracking system is a software system designed to perform functions necessary to fulfill a licensed or certified facility’s responsibilities in tracking medical marijuana from either the seed or immature plant stage until the medical marijuana is sold to a qualifying patient or primary caregiver.
Seed-to-sale entities whose applications are approved will receive notification of that approval to the email addresses listed in their applications. Notifications of application denial will be issued by email as well. The application period will remain open to prospective applicants interested in applying for a seed-to-sale certification.
Once all notifications are made, a list of all approved and denied medical marijuana seed-to-sale applicants will be posted on the DHSS Section for Medical Marijuana Regulation website.
Regulations specific to medical marijuana seed-to-sale entities can be found at 19 CSR 30-95.090 of the Missouri Code of State Regulations (p. 29-30).
More information about Missouri’s medical marijuana program can be found at Facility applicant information can be found here.