The following information and forms are provided to facilitate the Department’s Institutional Review Board’s (IRB) review of research projects/studies submitted to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS). All external researchers are required to collaborate with a DHSS Co-Investigator. The DHSS Investigator or assigned DHSS Co-Investigator is responsible for ensuring the application packet is submitted with all required documentation, signatures, and appropriately routed to ensure a timely review.

DHSS IRB Guidelines

DHSS IRB forms are to be completed electronically, handwritten forms will not be accepted. The checklist provided identifies additional required documentation needed to ensure a timely review. All complete application packets must be submitted to the appropriate DHSS Co-Investigator for review and approval. DHSS Co-Investigators must print out the full application packet, sign, and route for Department approval/signatures as identified on the IRB CoverSheet.

DHSS IRB Initial Review forms

DHSS IRB Annual/Modification/Close Out Review forms

Note: Please be aware, the IRB Form 2 is utilized for annual continuation review, modification review, and project close out. The IRB Form 2 identifies additional required documentation. Please review the Information for Research Investigators for more details.

References and Related Documents


These short instructional segments provide background for investigators on the development of the protection of human subjects in research.

All DHSS investigators/co-investigators who submit projects to the IRB shall review DHSS Administrative Policies 30.8, 30.8A, 30.11, and 30.17 and familiarize themselves with relevant federal regulations, OHRP guidance, state laws, and DHSS procedures.  DHSS investigators and co-investigators are required to complete the CITI program training for investigators/co-investigators once every 3 years.  A copy of the certificate of completion should be included in any IRB review study packets. 

All external investigators are required to complete a reputable human subjects protection training course and provide proof of completion within the past 3 years.  Educational Resources for Investigators may be found at:

Contact Information

Daniel Bogle, Chair
Institutional Review Board