Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Application Instructions

Application Process

Step 1 - To determine if you organization qualifies for the CACFP program, please complete Step 1 below. 

Step 2 – If your organization qualifies, additional completed forms will need to be uploaded into the CNPWeb based online application and claiming system. CACFP has specific requirements for each type of facility. To access the forms specifically required for your facility, select the facility type that best describes your organization.   

Step 3 - Complete CACFP Orientation Training.

Step 4 – Once provided access, log on to the CNPWeb application and claiming system to submit the application packet at this link:

STEP 1 (All Applicants)

All new applicants must complete step 1 to determine eligibility

  • If no, complete and submit the Potential New Sponsor Questionnaire, Center/Site Eligibility Questionnaire, and the the Network User Access Form for each site your organization wishes to sponsor. After you complete Step 1, our office will contact you with the determination and further instructions.
  • Email Questionnaires, and Network User Access Form to
  • If determined to be eligible, CACFP staff will email your log in credentials and steps on how to access the CNPWeb online application to complete the application process.

STEP 2 (Additional Forms for Upload)

Child Care Centers

Adult Care Centers

At-Risk, Afterschool

Emergency/Homeless Shelters


Training Information

Training for Child Care Centers can be found at this link:

Training for At-Risk Afterschool Programs – Contact for dates and sign up information. Provide your name, organization name, phone number and mailing address.

Thank you for your interest in the Child and Adult Care Food Program! If you have any questions about the application forms or the approval process, call the toll-free number 800-733-6251.


To complete the application, log on to the CNPWeb application and claiming system to submit the application packet at this link:

To assist you in completing the application, please review our Application and Claiming Quick Reference Guides.