Submit with the Application

  • Copy of IRS letter - 501 c (3) tax exemption status
  • Board of Directors Listing
  • A copy of Fire and Safety Inspections (not applicable if on school grounds)
  • A copy of current Child Care license or a copy of license exempt status letter from the Office of Childhood – Child Care Compliance.  (not applicable if on school grounds)  If you do not have a license or a license exempt status letter, submit a Program Evaluation Questionnaire to Office of Childhood – Child Care Compliance (as directed on the form) for determination.

Read and Use the Following Information/Resources to Complete Menus

Part of the application process is the scheduling of a pre-approval visit and Program orientation training at your location or agency. The pre-approval visit and training are required before the application can be approved. Once the completed application packet is received in the CACFP office you will be scheduled for the pre-approval visit and training.