MSPHL Web Portal Links

To access the desired web portal, click on the applicable button below.

MSPHL User Access Request Form

To request access to the applicable web portal(s), fill out and submit the MSPHL User Access Request Form below. To submit, click on the submit button at the bottom of the form. If you do not see the form in the box below, click here to access it via a new tab.

Helpful Information

For questions or issues regarding the MSPHL Web Portals, email or call 573-522-9560.

Newborn Screening Results

For Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers who routinely request Missouri newborn screening results are strongly encouraged to use the web portal as this method has the fastest turnaround time and avoids potential mail or fax delivery issues. Healthcare providers who are out of state or otherwise do not routinely request Missouri newborn screening results may request results for patients currently in their care by sending a fax to the MSPHL at 573-522-8155. Requests for newborn screening results must be faxed on the healthcare provider’s letterhead and must include the patient’s date of birth, the mother’s first and last name used at the time of birth, and the healthcare provider’s fax number. It is helpful but not required to include the patient’s name and the birth facility. For questions regarding result requests, please call the MSPHL Newborn Screening line at 573-751-2662.

For Student Athletes

It is recommended that student athletes requesting newborn screening results to satisfy the NCAA’s requirement for proof of sickle cell status go through their current primary care provider, who may already have the results on file. Due to HIPAA regulations, the MSPHL is typically able to provide results more quickly when requested by a healthcare provider. The healthcare provider can then forward the results to the athlete. If it is not possible to go through a current healthcare provider, the athlete may request their results directly from the MSPHL by following the Patient Access process described below. Anyone born outside of Missouri will need to contact the newborn screening program in their birth state.

Patients’ Access to Test Result Report(s)

As a result of changes to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule 45 CFR §164.524, patients may now request laboratory test results directly from the Missouri State Public Health Laboratory (MSPHL).

To obtain report(s) of laboratory tests performed by the MSPHL, complete the Patient Access Form and the HIPAA Authorization for Disclosure Form found at the links below.  Completed forms may be mailed, emailed or faxed to the MSPHL.  For additional information regarding requests, please call the Patient Access Coordinator at 573-751-3334.

Missouri State Public Health Laboratory
101 N. Chestnut St
Jefferson City, Mo  65101
Phone: 573-751-3334
Fax:  573-522-8155

Retention of clinical laboratory result reports:

  • If a patient was over the age of 14 when testing was conducted*, the result report(s) are kept for 6 years after the current year the test was completed.  See HIPAA 45 CFR 164.501
  • If a patient was under the age of 14 when testing was conducted*, the result report(s) are kept until the patient turns 21. See HIPAA 45 CFR 164.501 and 516.105 (3) RSMo

*Note: Prior to 2008, result reports were kept according to CLIA 493.1105.