Mike Hutchko, a resident of rural Leeton, has been serving as a Volunteer Ombudsman for 12 years.  Someone at his church suggested he would make a good Ombudsman, and he replied “What is an Ombudsman”? He now shares his knowledge of the program and resident rights with those he serves at the Missouri Veterans Home in Warrensburg.  He takes pride in serving fellow veterans, as he is a Vietnam Veteran and retired from the U.S. Air Force after a 21 year career. Mike feels this gives them something in common to share and has occasionally learned that the residents served in the same locations he did during their military service.

Active in other volunteer capacities in the community and a former local director of the Missouri Veterans History Project, he wants to share that volunteering as an Ombudsman is “a very rewarding activity knowing you are helping the residents in many ways, meeting new residents sometimes weekly”. He views it as a benefit knowing that if ever there were a day someone becomes a resident, the Ombudsman program is there.  We are so appreciative of the years Mike has devoted to our long-term care residents and glad to have him as a part of our team!