Brief Description

Call ahead for detailed instructions. Assistance is provided in identification and speciation of presumptive positive blood smears for malaria and Babesia.

Laboratory Unit



Blood slides will be microscopically examined to determine species of Plasmodium or Babesia. Images are taken of the blood smears and sent to the CDC via DPDx for confirmation. If the species cannot be determined through the microscopic examination, the slides and a vial of EDTA blood will be sent to the CDC for further testing.

Specimen Collection

Please call ahead for detailed collection instructions. Specimens sent should include Giemsa stained thin and thick blood smears as well as unstained thin and thick blood smears. Include a vial of EDTA blood.


Specimens can be shipped at room temperature.

Acceptable Specimen Type(s)

Giemsa stained thin and thick smears as well as a vial of EDTA blood are the necessary specimens for this exam.

Test Request Form(s)

Possible Results

Speciation of Babesia and Plasmodium species. If they cannot be speciated microscopically the specimen is sent to the CDC for further testing. A written report from the CDC will be mailed back to the submitter when testing is complete.

Unacceptable Conditions

Specimens that are not labeled with the patient name or identifier are Unsatisfactory and discarded without testing.  Please call ahead for detailed instructions.

Interfering Substances


Result Reported

If species can be determined through microscopic examination of the blood smears, results will usually take 1-2 days and will be called to the submitter.  A hard copy will also be mailed.  If specimen is sent to the CDC for further testing, results could take 2-3 weeks.


As provided in 19 CSR 25-38.010, submitters may be charged a handling charge of $10.00 per sample submitted for testing.

CPT Codes




Additional Information

Please include travel history, treatment history, and the species of bloodborne pathogen suspected



Plasmodium falciparum

Plasmodium falciparum