Ombudsman Program Logo

Improving the quality of life for residents of long-term care through advocacy, education and empowerment.

CONTACT: (800) 309-3282
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Happy Fourth of July Veteran's Advocate

If you hold a special place in your heart for Veterans, consider volunteering to advocate for one.  The Missouri Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program advocates for the rights of vulnerable Veterans who reside in VA homes.  If you are interested in volunteering with this special population call 800-309-3282 for more information.

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NEW Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Bed and Service Availability Dashboard is now available!

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Bed and Service Availability dashboard can now be accessed.  Facilities and the public can now view how many beds facilities have available, and which residents they can serve, i.e., memory care, behavioral health, bariatric, etc.  This information is beneficial to facilities, families, hospital discharge planners and the general public to determine bed availability and services throughout the State.  The dashboard can be accessed at this link dashboard.  For information regarding how to navigate the dashboard, access this link training video.

Ombudsman Representatives Share Your Suggestions
Ombudsman Representative Exit Questionnaire