May 09, 2019

Older Americans Month 2019: Connect, Create, Contribute

Media Contact:
Lisa Cox
Chief, Office of Public Information
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - Each year, more and more older adults are making a positive impact in and around Missouri communities. As volunteers, employees, employers, educators, mentors, advocates and more, they offer insight and experience that benefit the entire community. That is why for the past 56 years, Older Americans Month has been recognizing the contributions of this growing population.

Led by the Administration for Community Living (ACL) each May, Older Americans Month provides resources to help older Americans stay healthy and independent, and resources to help communities support and celebrate their diversity.

This year's Older Americans Month theme, Connect, Create, Contribute, encourages older adults and their communities to:

  • Connect with friends, family, and local services and resources.

  • Create through activities that promote learning, health and personal enrichment.

  • Contribute time, talent and life experience to benefit others.

\"During Older Americans Month, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) will focus on how older adults in our state are bringing communities together by connecting, creating and contributing,\" said Dr. Randall Williams, DHSS Director. \"We believe that communities that encourage the contributions of older adults are stronger. By engaging and supporting all community members, we recognize that older adults play a key role in the vitality of our neighborhoods, networks and lives.\"

The public is encouraged to get involved by contacting their local Area Agency on Aging and to join ACL and DHSS in strengthening communities and celebrating older Americans by sharing photos and stories about the ways older Americans are supported and valued in their own communities. Simply share a photo or selfie on social media with the hashtags #OAM19 and #ConnectCreateContributeMoSeniors.

Read more about how DHSS is celebrating Older Americans Month in 2019 here

About the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services: The department seeks to be the leader in protecting health and keeping people safe. More information about DHSS can be found at or find us on Facebook and Twitter @HealthyLivingMo.
