Statutes and Bills
- Introduction
- Donation Advisory Committee
- Statutes and Bills
Statute/Bill #
Short Description
Congressional Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Bills
July 3, Organ Donor Recognition Day
Minority Organ Donor Awareness Month
Missouri Donate Life Day
Death to be reported and investigated by coroner and efforts to accommodate organ donation.
Medical examiner, certain counties, to investigate and efforts to accommodate organ donation.
Cooperation with procurement organization required--postmortem examination requirements--removal of body parts permitted, when.
Release of decedent information to procurement organizations, when--medicolegal examination permitted--recovery of body parts, requirements.
Leave of Absence Granted, State Employees, Bone Marrow or Organ Donation
Organ Donor Program Fund, designation of refund permitted with individual or corporate income tax refund. Includes option for individuals or corporations not entitled to a refund.
Organ, eye and tissue donation, instruction on, when - students may opt out of instruction, when.
Organ transplant program, University of Missouri-Missouri kidney program to establish guidelines-administrative costs.
Prohibited abortions, those done with intent to use fetal organs or tissue for transplant, experiments or for consideration, exceptions
Prohibited acts, criminal penalties
Bone marrow registry, providers may inquire whether certain patients are registered-department to disseminate information.
Death, legal definition
Right of sepulcher, the right to choose and control final disposition of a dead human body.
Definitions related to the Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act.
Applicability of law.
Registry to be established--gift may be made by whom.
Procedure for making a gift--donor cards, requirements--gift made by will, effect of.
Amendment or revocation, procedure.
Refusal to make a gift, evidenced how, requirements.
Person other than donor barred from making, amending, or revoking donor's gift--revocation not a bar to making a gift--parent may revoke or amend a gift of a child.
Gift for transplantation, therapy, research, or education, priority list for persons making.
Document of gift, procedure.
Persons eligible to receive gift in the document of gift--gifts not naming persons, effect of--refusal of gift required when.
Reasonable search to identify donors--immunity from liability, when.
Delivery of document of gift not required--examination and copying of document permitted, when.
Referral to procurement organization, diligent search of donor registry required--reasonable examination of body parts permitted, when--search for minor's parents required, when--attending physician shall not procure, when.
Hospitals to enter into agreements with procurement organizations.
Purchase or sale of body parts for valuable consideration prohibited--penalty--definition.
Falsification of documents, penalty.
Immunity from liability, when.
Declarations and advance health care directives--definitions--gift in conflict with, donor or physician to resolve.
Requirements for valid execution of a document of gift--presumption of validity, when--requirements for out-of-state execution of documents.
Uniformity of law a consideration in construing statutory provisions.
Effect of law on certain federal acts.
Organ donor program fund established--funding, administration, purpose--transfer to general revenue prohibited.
Money in organ donor program fund, how expended.
Organ donation advisory board committee established in department of health and senior services, appointment, qualifications, expenses, terms.
Advisory committee’s powers and duties—annual report, due when.
Transfer of donor registry information, department of revenue to cooperate--registry requirements.
Physical or mental disability, or congenital condition of recipient of an anatomical gift
Motor Vehicle Registration and Fund Contribution
Be An Organ Donor Special License Plates, Application and Fee
Application for license--form--content--educational materials --voluntary contribution to organ donation program--information to be included in registry
Driver’s Licensing and Designation for Anatomical Gift Act
Oral health providers treating oral conditions needed as part of treating the underlying cause of the patient's medical needs including organ transplant and diabetes
Living Organ Donor Status/Insurance Coverage
Acquiring human tissues declared to be rendition of a service-transfusions or transplants declared not a sale-implied warranties, how limited.
- PL 98-507 National Organ Transplant Act
- PL 106-56 Organ Donor Leave Act
- PL 106-170 Sec 413: Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network
- PL106-310 Title XXI § 2101 Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Amendment
- PL 108-216 Organ Donation and Recovery Improvement Act
- PL 110-144 Charlie W. Norwood Living Organ Donation Act
- PL 110-413 Stephanie Tubbs Jones Gift of Life Medal Act of 2008
- PL 113-51 HIV Organ Policy Equity Act or The HOPE Act
- 42 U.S. Code § 274e Prohibition of Organ Purchases
- 42 U.S. Code Amendment Securing the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Act
- Uniform Law Commission - Anatomical Gift Act (2006) Information and Resources