
Almost two out of every three adult Missourians are overweight or obese. These conditions know no boundaries and impact both genders, all races and ethnicities, all socioeconomic groups, adults, and children. Failing to maintain a healthy weight can have serious health consequences that impact pregnancy outcomes, early childhood development, and the prevalence of acute and chronic conditions that compromise the quality and length of life. Healthful eating and regular physical activity are two critical components in achieving and maintaining good health.
Missouri Disability and Health Collaborative
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) in partnership with the University Of Missouri Kansas City Institute Of Human Development, has received funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for The Missouri Disability and Health Collaborative. The overall goal of this initiative is to support individuals with intellectual disabilities to access to a full range of evidence-based physical activity and nutrition programs through public health programs within Missouri. The initial phase of the collaborative is designed to build internal state capacity and disability and public health partnerships. The initial phase involves a needs assessment to assess gaps in access to Missouri's public health programs by individuals with intellectual disabilities and identification and adaption of evidence-based physical activity and nutrition programs. In addition, state level surveillance and monitoring related to the health status of individuals with intellectual disabilities will be enhanced and dissemination of materials and messaging related to nutrition and exercise promotion for people with intellectual disabilities will be improved.
Life Savers - Programs For You!
Organ & Tissue Donation
Learn how to join the Missouri organ and tissue donor registry.
Show Me Healthy Women
Early detection saves lives. Get breast and cervical cancer screenings.
Get access to health screenings and lifestyle education that can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Missouri Tobacco Quitline
Access to counseling, information and referrals for smokers who want to quit using tobacco.