Community Initiatives
Eat Smart in Parks
Eat Smart in Parks is a statewide effort aimed at promoting healthier eating options in Missouri’s state and local parks. This effort includes the development of a model Eat Smart in Parks policy that guides parks in serving healthier options, training for state and local parks to assist them with using the guidelines and materials to promote healthier items.
Worksite Lactation Accommodation
The Missouri "Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite Program" is a collaboration between the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and the Missouri Breastfeeding Coalition to educate employers on the value of providing lactation support in the workplace and to recognize businesses that support their breastfeeding employees. Find more information about becoming a Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite. Free printed materials are available.
Missouri Complete Streets
The department has been involved in promoting Complete Streets policies across Missouri for several years. Information and resources are available at the Missouri Complete Streets web site. Complete streets are streets that are designed and operated to enable safe access along and across the street for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. The initiative provides technical assistance and resources to Missouri’s communities to help them adopt and/or implement complete streets policies.
Worksite Wellness
The department provides resources to employers on developing and planning a wellness program. The WorkWell Missouri Toolkit is a comprehensive guide for developing a well-organized worksite wellness program. There are sample challenges and tools on the Worksite Wellness page.
Healthy Lifestyles Initiative/ 12345 Fit-Tastic!
Playground Stencils
Playground stencils are available to schools, childcare facilities, parks, etc. to paint hopscotch or similar games to encourage children's physical activity. The stencils are loaned throughout the state.