Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE)

growing with MO

Growing with MO: Harvest of the Season is a Missouri farm to preschool program that offers resources and training for all types of early care and education settings.  The goal is to educate children and the adults in their lives about the benefits of locally grown fruits and vegetables and help them find ways to eat more of these foods. The program focuses on 14 Missouri grown fruits and vegetables.

Missouri MOve Smart Child Care

Missouri Move Smart Child Care logo

Similar to the Eat Smart Initiative, child care providers are encouraged to adopt best-practices for incorporating policies and practices that encourage physical activity.

Missouri Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care

Missouri Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care logo -- picture of a cartoon mom, toddler and babyChild care providers are encouraged to adopt best-practices for incorporating policies and practices that encourage breastfeeding.

For Child Care program related training, please visit the MO Workshop Calendar.

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