American Cancer Society

Provides facts, risk factors and prevention of cancers. Information on volunteer opportunities and research funding.

American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)

Diet, Nutrition & Cancer Prevention

American Social Health Association

National HPV & Cervical Cancer Prevention Resource Center

Avon Breast Cancer Crusade

Funding access to care and finding a cure for Breast Cancer

Breast & Cervical Cancer

Find out about the free breast and cervical cancer screening services available through the Missouri’s Show Me Healthy Women program. Guidelines for eligibility, services provided and the list of providers in Missouri is included. Excluding all cancers of the skin, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Missouri and accounts for nearly one-third of all cancers diagnosed in women. According to the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program, an average of 3,951 cases of breast cancer per year were diagnosed among Missouri women between 1996 and 2000. The American Cancer Society estimate of new breast cancer cases for Missouri women in 2004 are 4,680. The American Cancer Society 2004 estimate of breast cancer deaths for Missouri women is 870.

The Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks

Provides local resources and support for individuals and their families in the local area who are and have been affected by breast cancer and are concerned with women's health issues.


This is the Behavioral Risk Factor Survey where you can produce tables based on cancer and other disease specific data.

Cancer Inquiry

Investigates, through a team effort, concerns initiated by the public about perceived high rates of cancer in a community or neighborhood. Informs public that cancer is more common than most people realize; contrary to public perception, cancer is not usually caused by pollution or other environmental factors; and most of the causes of cancer that we know about are related to lifestyle.

Cancer MICA

The cancer MICA allows the user to create tables showing cancer incidence by year, age, sex, race, cancer site, stage, grade, and geographic area down to county (with some restrictions to protect confidentiality; see below). This MICA provides the user with valuable cancer incidence data. It is intended to be used by the general public, as well as researchers, local public health agencies, and others.

CDC - Cancer Prevention & Control

Division of Cancer Prevention & Control conducts, supports and promotes efforts to prevent cancer and to increase early detection of cancer.

CDC: The National Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program: At-A-Glance

The NBCCCEDP provides funding for breast & cervical cancer screening services to low income and underinsured women. NCBBEDP operates in all 50 states, District of Columbia, 6 U.S. territories and 12 American Indian/Alaska Native organizations.

Kansas City Cancer Information Project

The website is a joint production of The Kansas City Cancer Coalition and The Kansas City Cancer Information Project. This resources is unique, designed for Kansas City area cancer patients and their families, where content is managed by representatives from every sector within the Kansas City cancer community.

Living Beyond Breast Cancer

LBBC offers educational information to women affected by breast cancer. Programs include conferences, teleconferences, newsletters, Survivors' Help Line (888-753-LBBC), website (, young survivors' and outreach programs.


The only scientifically validated system for teaching physical examination of the breast.

Missouri Cancer Consortium

The Missouri Cancer Consortium is a leader in cancer control in Missouri. Members are groups and individuals. They come from all walks of the cancer fight. New members are always needed and welcome. The work of cancer control and the Missouri Cancer Consortium is comprehensive.

National Breast Cancer Coalition - NBCC

The National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund is a grassroots organization dedicated to ending breast cancer through the power of action and advocacy.

National Cancer Institute

National funding for cancer research. Provides credible, current, comprehensive cancer information for public and professional use.

National Cervical Cancer Coalition

Enhance awareness of cervical cancer prevention, the Pap smear and proper follow-up, HPV, new technology and treatment options.

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

The only survivor-led advocacy organization working exclusively on behalf of people with all types of cancer and their families, is dedicated to assuring quality cancer care for all Americans.

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition

The web site for the National Ovarian Cancer Resource Center takes you through some of the issues most commonly faced by cancer patients.

Native American Cancer Research

This is a community based, American Indian, non-profit resource. We seek to help reduce cancer incidence and mortality in Native Americans.

R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation, Inc

R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation is dedicated to help all cancer patients in the process to successfully conquer their disease.

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

To eradicate breast cancer as a life-threatening disease by advancing research, education.


(Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation) funding expands the prevention services provided for women participating in the National Early Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Project (NBCCCEDP), known in Missouri as the Show Me Healthy Women program. WISEWOMAN is a CDC-funded program that helps underinsured, low-income women gain access to health screenings and lifestyle education that can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. To be eligible for WISEWOMAN services, women must be participants in the Show Me Healthy Women breast and cervical cancer control project and be 40-64 years of age.

Women's Cancer Network

Physicians dedicated to preventing, detecting and conquering cancer in women.