If you or someone you know is struggling or dealing with a substance abuse crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org page for information or education and linkage to care programs. Find out where you can get naloxone here: https://www.nomodeaths.com/where-to-get-naloxone.

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  • click here to find out where you can get Naloxone

Drug overdoses, both fatal and nonfatal, have become an epidemic in Missouri over the past decade. Missouri ranked 32nd among all states and DC for drug overdose death rates in 2020 and is the #1 leading cause of death among adults age 18-44 in Missouri. Breaking down drug overdose deaths by drug type can sometimes be complicated as many times more than one drug may be identified, however, most drug overdose deaths (over 70%) do involve opioids. The opioid class of drugs include heroin, fentanyl, methadone, morphine, oxycodone and many other prescription and non-prescription pain relievers. The burden of drug overdose impacts families, communities and healthcare systems. The drug epidemic affects all genders, races and many age groups in rural and urban Missouri communities. The data displayed here helps to tell the story so everyone interested in the topic can better understand past and current trends. Please visit the resources page for information on education and linkage to care programs.

Use each tab below to see data demonstrating the Death Toll, Burden to Healthcare, Impact on the Future, and Rescue Mission of the drug epidemic.

Fatal Nonfatal NAS EMS Fact Sheets