Active Status

Missouri Registry Active CNA Status means that the CNA has met all the requirements for training and testing in Federal regulation 483.152 and State regulation 19 CSR 30-84.010. This individual is eligible to be employed as a CNA in a long-term care facility if there has been no finding of abuse, neglect or misappropriation of property. The employer must check to see that the individual does not have a Federal Indicator or is not listed on the Missouri Employee Disqualification List (EDL) before employing the individual.

Inactive Status

You may change your status from inactive to active if you completed and can provide proof of nursing related services. Use the link provided to renew/update your CNA certification, How CNAs Renew on TMU in Missouri. The CNA renewal fee is $20.00.

If the individual has a Certified Medication Technician (CMT) certificate or Insulin Administration (IA) certificate, these certifications are also inactive. When the individual has regained Active CNA status, the CMT and IA certifications will also be considered Active.

Expired Status

Missouri Registry Expired CNA Status means that the DHSS records show the CNA did not perform nursing services in five (5) consecutive years. The CNA cannot work as a Certified Nurse Assistant in a Long-Term Care (LTC) facility when listed as Expired.

The CNA must submit proof of nursing related services every 24 months or take the entire CNA course.
Your status may be changed from expired to active if you have performed duties in the provision of nursing services. Click on this link (How CNAs Renew on TMU in Missouri) to submit your work update/renew your CNA certification with Headmaster D & S. The CNA renewal fee is $20.00.

If the individual has a Certified Medication Technician (CMT) certificate or Insulin Administration (IA) certificate, these certifications are also expired. When the individual has regained Active CNA status, the CMT and IA certifications will also be considered Active.

Federal Indicator Status

A CNA may request in writing for the removal of a federal marker for a single occurrence of neglect only. (If the findings were abuse or misappropriation there is currently no opportunity to remove the marker.) This request must meet the requirements at 42 USC 1395i-3(g)(1)(D) (see below). Please submit the written request to the address below or send via email to

Department of Health and Senior Services Office of General Counsel 912 Wildwood P.O. Box 570 Jefferson City, MO 65102

Federal Regulation 42 CFR 483.012 requires the Registry to document any findings against a CNA of Abuse, Neglect, or Misappropriation of Property. Any individual who is a CNA, employed in a certified facility and found guilty of Abuse, Neglect, or Misappropriation of Property will receive a Federal Indicator on the Missouri State Registry.

Certified long-term care facilities and the long-term care wing of a hospital are prohibited from allowing a person to work or volunteer, in any capacity, whose name appears on the Registry with a Federal Indicator. These providers are required to check the Registry before allowing the individual to work or volunteer and they must not continue to employ a person whose name appears on the Registry with a Federal Indicator.

CNA Registry verification is required of employers before allowing an individual to serve as a Certified Nurse Assistant. The employer must seek Registry verification from all states the facility believes will have information on the individual.