CNA, CMT, LIMA and Insulin Registry

New Missouri Registry
Search the New Missouri Registry
Search the New Missouri Registry to check the status of your Certified Nurse Aid, Certified Medication Technician, Level One Medication Aide, and Insulin Certification.
*If you are an Instructor or a Clinical Supervisor, you will also find your status on the Missouri registry.
CNA Training Reimbursement Opportunity for Skilled Facilities
Please join us as the Health Education Units hosts an informative webinar with MO HealthNet on 7/10/24 at 10 a.m.
We welcome Carl Meyer and Lee Gerloff from MO HealthNet to be our guest and provide helpful information on what, when and how to submit for reimbursement. HEU will also be available for information regarding regulatory requirements and information related to the training reimbursement.
**Didn’t get to attend? No problem, watch it now.
Let's Talk! Having difficulty finding a CNA RN Instructor? Join us for a discussion!
Could not join? No Worries, you can listen here.