Purpose of Certifying Training Programs

  • Individual certification for community health workers (CHWs) began in Missouri in December, 2019. At the time individual certification was enacted there were four sites across the state offering CHW training using the current “state approved” CHW curriculum (developed based on the Foundations for Community Health Workers textbook).
  • Training Program Certification is designed to expand the number of sites and organizations offering high-quality CHW training throughout the state. Expansion will allow the CHW curriculum to be accessible to as many CHWs as possible and help support the growth of the CHW workforce in Missouri.


  • Training Program Certification is overseen by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS).
  • Below are the steps a Training Program must complete to become a Certified Training Provider and maintain Training Program Certification.
    • Updated applications will be on this website by May 1 of each year.
    • There is no application fee.
    • Applications will be accepted each year from May 1 to June 30. No late applications will be accepted for any reason.
    • Completed applications should be submitted to the DHSS via mail: Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Cancer and Chronic Disease Control, Attn: Community Health Worker Program, PO Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102 or email chw@health.mo.gov.
    • Applications will be reviewed during the month of July. Results will be shared with each program by August 1st.
    • Applicants that apply and do not receive Training Program Certification will have the option to reapply the following year. Feedback will be provided for those Training Programs that are not approved.
    • Those Training Programs who are approved will receive a letter stating the dates of certification, along with detailed instructions for maintaining their status.
    • DHSS will maintain a list of Certified Training Providers which are posted here.
    • DHSS will provide a list of Certified Training Providers to Missouri Credentialing Board and Community Health Worker Association of Missouri, as needed.
  • Below is an overview of how the CHW Curriculum Provider Certification process is integrated as part of Missouri’s CHW Credentialing strategy, including how Certified Training Providers support individual credentialing.
    • Individuals who wish to be credentialed as a CHW in the state of Missouri must attend a CHW training program through a Certified Training Provider.
    • Upon successful completion of a CHW training program at a Certified Training Provider, they will receive a certificate of completion.
    • The CHW will be responsible for the following:
    • Apply for individual credentialing through the Missouri Credentialing Board. Additional information about individual credentialing can be found here.
    • Complete continuing education and other requirements put forth by Missouri Credentialing Board in order to maintain their status as a Credentialed CHW.

steps to certification

Application for Missouri Training Program Certification


May 1

June 30

August 1

New Training Program Applications

New Training Program Application Available

New Training Program Applications Due

New Training Programs Receive Notice of Status

Note: To ensure the highest quality CHW training, we have implemented a maximum number of Certified Curriculum Providers per region. In addition, if a Certified Curriculum Provider has not offered a class within the past two years, they will automatically be removed from the list of Certified Curriculum Providers and required to submit a new application during the following cycle.

Total number of Curriculum Providers Per Region:

  • Kansas City: 6
  • St. Louis: 6
  • Southwest: 3
  • Southeast: 2
  • Northwest: 2
  • Northeast: 2
  • Central: 2
  • Online Only: 3

The list of current Certified Curriculum Providers can be found here.


  • The application for Training Program Certification will be available beginning May 1, 2021.
  • All organizations interested in becoming a state approved Training Program must submit an application regardless of current status and whether they have previously offered the approved CHW curriculum in the past.
  • Applications to become a new Training Program are due by June 30th each year and can be submitted to the Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Cancer and Chronic Disease Control, Attn: Community Health Worker Program, PO Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102 or email chw@health.mo.gov.
  • Applications will be reviewed by a committee of three people overseen by Missouri DHSS using a rubric for scoring. Two committee members will be from DHSS and one will be a representative of the CHW Association of Missouri Board.
  • Once the application period closes, DHSS will review all applications and share the results of the Training Program Certification review with each program by August 1st.  Programs will maintain their current status until they receive information from the Department of Health and Senior Services about changes to their status.
  • The committee of three individuals will review applications based on the rubric provided. Applicants who receive a score of 32 or higher will be approved as a State Certified Training Program. Programs who receive a score below 32 will not be approved and should reapply the following year.
  • All Training Programs will receive written feedback (see rubric) about their program.
  • Applicants that apply and receive Training Program Certification will receive a certificate stating the date and timeframe of certification, along with instructions for maintaining their training status.

Maintaining Training Program Certification

  • Once approved, Training Provider Certification is good for three years.
  • Certified Training Provider are required to submit a semi-annual report to DHSS (see Semi-Annual Report section below for more details). This semi-annual report is due by January 15 and June 30 of each year.
  • Programs that are applying for renewal are required to submit a semi-annual report and renewal application.
  • Certified Training Providers will receive a reminder on December 1 and May 1 of each year describing the requirements to maintain Training Provider Certification.
  • Certified Training Providers will receive notice of status regarding semi-annual report by February 1 and August 1 of each year.
    • If a program fails to submit a semi-annual report by the stated deadline, Training Provider Certification will be revoked.

Semi-Annual Report


May 1

June 30

August 1

Spring/Summer Semi-Annual Reports (also required in renewal year)

Semi-Annual Reports available and reminders sent to existing Training Programs

Spring/Summer Semi-Annual Reports Due

Programs receive notice of status regarding Semi-Annual Report 


December 1

January 15

February 1

Fall/Winter Semi-Annual Reports

Semi-Annual Reports available and reminders sent to existing Training Programs

Fall/Winter Semi-Annual Reports Due

Program receive notice of status regarding Semi-Annual Report 

Note: In first year (2021), any approved Training Program that received less than 3 on the Qualification of Trainers section of the application will be required to send trainers to a state-approved Train the Trainer and provide documentation in their semi-annual report

Note: In addition to the semi-annual reports, there will be at least one quality assurance visit for each Certified Training Provider within the three year cycle.

Semi-Annual Report



May 1

June 30

August 1

Renewal (every 3 years)

Renewal application available and reminders sent to existing Training Programs

Renewal Due (along with semi-Annual Report)

Program receives notice of status regarding renewal application

Note: Renewal application will begin in 2024
Training Programs applying for renewal will be required to document qualification of trainers and any new trainers will be required to complete Train the Trainer program.
All applicant programs will be scored on a rubric. Applicant programs who score below 32 will not be approved as a Certified Curriculum Provider.

Trainer Requirements and Train the Trainer Course Availability

  • Trainer program requirements apply to both instructors of record and co-instructors for a course. These requirements do not apply for guest speakers.
  • New Training Program Certification
    • The initial Training Program Certification application requires applicant programs provide a description of individual’s qualifications related to training CHWs. This is required for every individual offering training through the Training Program. Qualifications include: 
      • Years working in the CHW (or related) field
      • Years training CHWs
      • Record of completing State-approved Train the Trainer (beginning 2022)
        • The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services offers Train the Trainer program for free to any individual who is planning to offer a state-approved CHW curriculum. The online portion of the program is available through the following https://health.mo.gov/professionals/community-health-workers/modules.php and can be completed at your own pace. In order to complete the training, individuals must complete the online portion of the course AND attend required in-person session(s). These will be offered at least once per quarter. The first course will be offered in the third quarter of 2021.  Interested individuals must email chw@health.mo.gov to sign up and participate in the in-person portion of the Train the Trainer.
        • Once an individual has completed the in-person section of the course, they will receive a certificate of completion.  DHSS will keep record of individuals who have completed this course. In order to quality to take the Train the Trainer course individuals need to meet one of the following criteria:
          • Field experience: Minimum of 2 years of community health experience AND completed a CHW training course
          • Education experience: Minimum of bachelor’s degree in community health, public health, social work, nursing, or related field
  • Renewals
    • Training Programs applying for renewal (earliest renewal date is 2024) will be required to document the qualifications of trainers. Any new trainers will be required to complete a Train the Trainer course prior to delivering the course.
    • Renewal applications will include a description of how trainers are maintaining their training skills through continuous learning opportunities.