The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has resources for health care providers to help assess pregnant women and referral for treatment along with, free educational brochures. Chapter 191.725, RSMo., views substance abuse during pregnancy as a disease and focuses on getting women into a system of care. It mandates counseling of all pregnant women regarding the effects of substance abuse in pregnancy.

A critical first step to prevention is identifying women who are at risk of substance use before and during pregnancy. The Perinatal Risk Assessment for Substance Use Form is free to download in English, Spanish and Somali. This form will assist health care providers in assessing a pregnant woman's use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The Acknowledgement of Counseling Form is free to download in English, Spanish and Somali. This form will certify that a pregnant woman has received counseling about the dangers of prenatal substance use.


Lifelike manikins with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)/neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS), and healthy characteristics are a visual learning tool provided through 30 community placement sites statewide. They are ideal for teaching classes, displaying at exhibits, and come with a kit of instructions. For information regarding how to borrow the manikins, become a community placement site, or see if a community placement site will provide a presentation in your area contact us.
