woman spraying her legs with deet
Preventing Tick Bites

picture of a tick on a green leaf
Tickborne Disease

family applying deet at a park
Repellent Q

It’s Open Season on Ticks in Missouri

Tick Awareness Toolkit


The warm weather means tick season in Missouri! Use the toolkit resources to outfit your public health department with tickborne illness awareness materials. Ticks can transmit serious, and potentially fatal, illnesses. Many of these illnesses can be effectively treated if they are caught early.

This toolkit includes fact sheets, Facebook ads, and other useful free materials. These materials can help your community learn how to avoid tick bites, use repellent, do tick checks, recognize symptoms of tickborne illnesses, and know when to seek care from a medical professional.

Radio Public Service Announcements (PSAs)

Tick Check Radio Campaign

For Radio Public Service Announcements, you will need a media player such as Windows Media Player or Real Player for Windows. Download free here: Free "Real Player for Windows"