ACON Flowflex Testing (Resources for providers and partner agencies)

CLIA Waiver

If your testing plan includes administering tests in a congregate care or workplace setting, you must do so under a CLIA waiver.

Standing Orders

Effective May 12, 2023, each partner/provider participating in the state’s antigen testing program must provide their own physician standing order for all tests administered in a congregate care setting. This includes but is not limited to, long-term care facilities, mental health facilities, hospitals and veteran’s homes, childcare facilities, schools, universities, and summer camps.

Apply/Order Tests:
The DHSS Rapid Antigen Test Kit Application and Resource web page includes the initial application and a subject index with important links to product support/information, link to the order form, templates for testing plans, etc. A training tutorial to complete the application is available here. If a test user is unsure of where to direct a question, contact

Note: For organizations using their own CLIA, be sure to add ACON Flowflex to your CLIA waiver by contacting the state CLIA program.