Delivery System | Referral Network | Support Partners | Consultants | Community Networks
Delivery System
These partners provide a sustainable, statewide network that is contractually and strategically connected with MAOP and enables coordinated dissemination of evidence-based interventions throughout multiple delivery points with access to existing groups of people.
Regional Arthritis Centers (RAC)
RACs represent a network of seven regional management offices, with a 25-year history that is unique to Missouri. The RAC’s mission is to reduce the burden of rheumatic disease by promoting health and quality of life for all Missourians affected by rheumatic diseases, and musculoskeletal conditions through early intervention, education, service and collaboration.
Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)
A national network of federal, state and local agencies that coordinate and administer services to help older adults maintain their independence. AAA has 10 regional agencies in Missouri with over 30 years experience providing direct and contractual services with local providers.
Referral Network
These statewide organizations are connected with MAOP through a memorandum of understanding to promote and provide referrals to delivery system partners for evidence-based physical activity and self-management interventions.
Bureau of Cancer and Chronic Disease Control (BCCDC)
Coordinates programs in the areas of prevention and control, cancer, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, blindness, osteoporosis and organ donation. Bureau efforts focus on public and professional education, coalition development and technical assistance, early detection and diagnostic services, chronic disease management, policy development, and maintenance of the organ donor registry. BCCDC employs multiple strategies to improve the health of local communities, which may include education, resources and programs that improve health care access in combating cancer and chronic diseases.
- Diabetes Prevention and Control Program (DPCP)
Federally Qualified Health Centers* - Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program (HDSPP)
- Integration Agencies (local public health agencies)
- Show Me Healthy Women (WISEWOMAN Program)
DSDS serves as the state unit on aging and carries out the mandates of the State of Missouri regarding programs and services for seniors and adults with disabilities. Mandates for the division include oversight, implementation and administration of state-, federal-, and community-based programs designed to maximize independence and safety for adults who choose to remain independent in the community.
Support Partners
The following provide technical assistance, training and project enhancement to MAOP.
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
Division of Adult and Community Health
Call 770-488-5464 or
Arthritis Foundation (AF)
A not-for-profit organization that supports the more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions. AF has a 50-year history in Missouri of providing programs and services. The Missouri Chapter offices partner with MAOP, as the license holder to conduct leader trainings and programs for the Arthritis Foundation Exercise program and the Arthritis Foundation Self Help program.
- National Office: 800-283-7800
- Missouri Eastern Chapter: 800-406-2491
- Missouri Western Chapter: 888-719-5670
Community-based health promotion programs through University of Washington, Group Health Cooperative and Senior Services. ProjectEnhance, as the license holder, is an essential partner to conduct master leader trainings and programs for EnhanceFitness. ProjectEnhance views such partnerships as an essential component to national strategy for promoting healthy aging in seniors.
Since 1972, Learfield’s news and agriculture networks have been providing quality programming to hundreds of radio stations throughout the Midwest. This partnership has allowed our affiliated stations to serve their listeners and advertisers in ways that would have been difficult or impossible on their own. MAOP partners with Learfield to broadcast its health communication campaign throughout the state.
MAOP consults with members of these groups in developing and implementing programs, to partner and to provide education and community-based services for people with arthritis and related conditions, and to reduce the disability of rheumatic disease and improve quality of life.
Regional Arthritis Center Advisory Boards/Committees
RAC contractors are supported and advised regionally by individual boards comprised of community members with arthritis, physicians, legislators, course leaders, AAA, UME, hosting institution staff, etc. These meetings are conducted two to four times per year. The regional boards provide a valuable service for the RACs by making programmatic recommendations and providing insights to community response to interventions.
Community Networks
A network of regional and local organizations, community programs, special populations and volunteers connected with MAOP through the RACs that provide program delivery, donated space, referrals, etc.
Missouri Arthritis Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (MARRTC)*
MARRTC is the only center of its kind in the United States since 1988 and is located at the University of Missouri in Columbia. MARRTC conducts several research projects to help improve the lives of people with arthritis. Their studies examine the benefits of exercise, employment for people with arthritis, and ways to reduce depression.
*MARRTC no longer receives funding to support the program or the website; however, the site is still considered a valuable resource for arthritis information.
These Missouri universities are internationally renowned for programs in the areas of arthritis research, education and clinical care. A variety of scientific areas of investigation involve research on rheumatic diseases.
- St. Louis University
- School of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology
314-577-8467 or - School of Public Health
- School of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology
- University of Missouri-Columbia
- Virtual Health Care Team
573-884-6705 or
- Virtual Health Care Team
- Washington University School of Medicine
- Division of Rheumatology
314-286-2635 or
- Division of Rheumatology
- A.T. Still University
Medical Institutions
These medical institutions are renowned for programs in the areas of arthritis education, clinical care and/or research.
- St. Francis Hospital
- St. John's Regional Health Center
- A.T. Still University
- Heartland Health
- Washington University School of Medicine
- Division of Rheumatology
- St. Louis University
- School of Medicine
Division of Rheumatology
314-577-8467 or
- School of Medicine
- University of Missouri-Columbia