Consumer Alert - What to Know Before Ordering a Vital Record Online
The Missouri Bureau of Vital Records (BVR) processes applications for vital records by mail and in-person. To also be able to process applications online and over the phone, the Bureau of Vital Records has contracted with VitalChek.
VitalChek is the ONLY recognized and endorsed method to obtain Missouri vital records online or over the phone.
The Missouri Bureau of Vital Records is not affiliated with any other phone/online service and is not responsible for any commitment, guarantees, loss of fees, or use of personal information by these unauthorized entities.
Other websites or online services do not utilize the proper methods to verify identity and retrieve customer information and, therefore, do not pass the necessary applicant identity authentication process. Moreover, other services may misrepresent the pricing/cost of copies of vital records, resulting in the customer overpaying for a copy of a vital record.
Birth certificates are $15.00 per copy. Death certificates are $14.00 for the first copy and $11.00 for additional copies ordered at the same time. There is no extra administrative fee for the Bureau of Vital Records. However, customers who use the official VitalChek service are charged an additional approved fee for processing. Delivery is arranged by VitalChek, and the service offers expedited service and mail processing times.
If you have any questions regarding how to request a record, call the Bureau of Vital Records directly at 573-751-6387.