Missouri completed jurisdiction-level vulnerability assessments that identify counties at high risk for 1) opioid overdoses and 2) bloodborne infections (i.e., HIV, hepatitis C, hepatitis B) associated with nonsterile drug injection.

DHSS, in partnership with a facilitation team from the University of Missouri – Columbia’s Disaster and Community Crisis Center, held a series of six stakeholder meetings in 2020 to gather feedback on the vulnerability assessments. Additional meetings are being planned in 2022 to gather feedback on the update.

Stakeholders also requested that data utilized in the vulnerability assessments be made available in a sortable format.

2022 Vulnerability Assessment Data

2020 Vulnerability Assessment Data

Missouri’s work builds upon a prior national vulnerability assessment completed by the CDC, which identified 13 Missouri counties among the top vulnerable counties in the nation. Information about the 2016 national vulnerability assessment project is available at https://www.cdc.gov/persons-who-inject-drugs/vulnerable/counties.html?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/pwid/vulnerable-counties-data.html

Missouri's Plan

Under the Opioid Crisis Supplemental Funding, Missouri was also tasked with developing a plan to strategically allocate prevention and intervention services and distribute findings to key stakeholders in forms that support action.

Fact Sheets

Stakeholders who contributed to this project expressed the need for easily accessible data and information on resources related to overdoses and bloodborne infections. Fact sheets for the 28 most vulnerable counties in 2022, as well as supplementary data for the 30 most vulnerable counties in 2020 can be found below.

For more information on the topics included in the Missouri vulnerability assessments, visit: