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Round 2 Microbusiness Licenses Awarded

The Missouri Division of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) issued fifty-seven marijuana microbusiness licenses to top applicants drawn in the June 4, 2024 lottery, completing the second of three rounds for awarding microbusiness licenses as required in Section 2 of Article XIV. A minimum of six microbusiness licenses were awarded within each of the eight Missouri congressional districts, with each district receiving two microbusiness dispensary licenses, and four microbusiness wholesale facility licenses. An additional nine licenses have been made available in this second round of applications due to the revocation of licenses from round one for rule violations. The additional licenses were issued across the six congressional districts where the licenses were revoked.

Prior to issuing the licenses, the Department conducted a review of the top-drawn applications to determine whether applicants were eligible to receive a microbusiness license. If a top-drawn applicant did not meet application requirements, the next application in line from the drawing was reviewed.

Microbusiness timeline
The Department has started the process of lifting some of the current administrative holds on product. During this process, some administrative holds will be temporarily lifted and then reestablished. Once the process is complete, we will provide information regarding marijuana product that is removed from and marijuana product that remains on hold from the August 14, 2023 product recall. This notice should be issued by the end of the week. All product associated with the recall that was on administrative hold should remain quarantined until the updated lists are posted. Marijuana product not associated with the recall that has recently been removed from administrative hold may be further processed or sold to consumers.


  • NEWS RELEASE: Second Round of Marijuana Microbusiness Licenses Awarded
  • NEWS RELEASE: Second round of cannabis microbusiness applicants selected by random lottery drawing
  • The Cannabis Connection Newsletter – January 2024
  • The Division of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) added a QR code to the backside of Agent ID cards. DCR encourages current Agent ID cardholders to download a new card from the online registry portal. Licensees and DCR may use the QR code to verify if an individual’s Agent ID card is valid and belongs to the individual in possession of the license. Please contact Cannabisinfo@health.mo.gov for troubleshooting assistance.
    qr code added to backside of agent id cards
  • NEW Consumer, Qualified Patient, and Caregiver Authorized Cultivation Cardholders Prohibited from Selling Marijuana Products
  • Variance – Microbusiness Fingerprint Submission Timeframe (4/4/24)
  • NEWS RELEASE: Missouri cannabis regulators provide guidance, cautions to future microbusiness applicants
  • Licensed patients, caregivers, and consumer cultivators are required to present both sides of their identification cards, downloaded from the license dashboard in the online registry, when making purchases at dispensaries. Department rules now require licensed dispensaries to scan the barcode located on the back of the Department-issued identification cards at time of sale to record patient, primary caregiver, and consumer cultivator purchases; therefore, individuals presenting only the front side of an identification card may not be allowed to make purchases. In addition, identification cards saved to a mobile device should be a PDF file and downloaded directly from the license dashboard. Nested images, those that have been saved from other saved files rather than directly downloaded, and .jpeg versions of the original file not be readable by card scanning devices. Current licensees can download their license at any time from the license dashboard within their account. For further instructions for downloading an approved license, tutorial steps are available here.
  • The Licensee Common Relationships webpage is now available.
  • The first day of consumer cannabis sales was February 3, 2023. Total sales for this opening weekend (February 3 - February 5, 2023) were consumer sales, $8,500,900.61, and medical marijuana sales, $4,189,064.46, for a combined total of $12,689,965.07. Important note: These numbers are not final. The final numbers may shift due to system reconciliations, such as data processing time, reporting corrections, returns and refunds. Moving forward, consumer sales data will be made available on a monthly basis, just as medical marijuana sales data has been reported. This data will be available here.
  • The Department has approved requests to convert medical facility licenses to comprehensive facility licenses. Information regarding which licensees are now comprehensive licensees and whether they are approved to operate can be found here.
  • Pursuant to 19 CSR 100-1.050(4)(C)4, the department is not currently accepting physician certifications from Dr. Zinia Thomas.