Healthy Schools. Healthy Kids. Missouri Healthy Future 

School wellness practices under the motto that "healthy students make better learners." School wellness is the belief that schools are places where healthy eating happens, physical activity is encouraged and nutrition and physical education is offered to all students. It plays a role in every part of the school environment, from the lunchroom to the classroom to the playground and overall campus. Parents, school staff and students can all influence school wellness activities, policies and practices.

Why Schools?

Health should be part of every school because:

  • Schools reach most of the children within a community
  • Schools have a captive audience; kids spend around 900 hours per year in school
  • Schools set standards related to food choices and physical activity.
  • Schools have an opportunity to support the health of its teachers, staff and administrators through worksite wellness. The adults in schools serve as role models for students.



Peaceful Playgrounds