Missouri MOve Smart Child Care
The Missouri MOve Smart Child Care program provides a set of physical activity standards for all kinds of child care facilities. The standards are best practices that can help child care providers evaluate their facility and create a place where children and adults can be active and healthy as they learn, work and play. When centers and child care homes are following the standards, they can apply for recognition as a MOve Smart Child Care.
List of Missouri MOve Smart Recognized Sites
1.0 Clock Hour
Missouri’s MOve Smart Criteria reflect what experts in the field of physical activity have determined to be best practices for early childhood. This training is designed to introduce child care providers to MOve Smart and increase their comfort levels in leading and taking part in physical activity throughout the day. The training is required for all staff in a facility applying for MOve Smart Core or Advanced Level recognition.
Osage R-1, Tiny Pirates Earn Advanced Level Recognition
Click on the links below to learn more.
- MOve Smart Workbook
- MOve Smart Laminated Physical Activity Cards
- MOve Smart Criteria Quick Reference
- MOve Smart Application Forms
- Physical Activity Resources
- Other Health Related Initiatives for Child Care
MOve Smart sponsored virtual trainings featuring Diane H. Craft, Ph.D.
Dr. Craft is a renowned national expert in early childhood physical activity and the author of Active Play! Fun Physical Activities for Young Children.
Please note: The recorded trainings are for educational purposes, and are not eligible for child care clock hours.
- Inclusive Physical Activities with Young Children with Disabilities
- Training Resources:
- Infusing Physical Activity throughout the Child Care Day Sample Schedule
- Inclusive Games for Early Childhood Education (ECE)
- Include Children of all Ability Levels in Physical Activity
- Better Kid Care (BKC) On Demand Child Care Training: Family Child Care: Overcoming Barriers to Lead Fun Physical Activities
- BKC On Demand Child Care Training: Physical Activities for Young Children: Lead with Confidence
- Training Resources:
- More Than Just Child’s Play: Leading Joyful, Purposeful Physical Activities with Young Children
- Play and Movement with Infants and Toddlers