Apply now for the Healthier CACFP Award!

The Healthier CACFP Award recognizes caregivers who go above and beyond the Program requirements in the following categories: menus, physical activity, professional development, nutrition and wellness environment, and/or infant care.


  • Each award winner will receive banners, yard signs, window clings, a certificate, a parent letter template, & a press release template to recognize their achievement.
  • Applicants can apply for an award in one or more of these categories.
  • All CACFP Sponsors who are in compliance with Program requirements are eligible for a Healthier CACFP Award.
  • If you are interested in being considered for this award, please submit an application and supporting documentation by September 30, 2024.
  • The form and any supporting documents can be sent by email to
  • Healthier CACFP Award Application
  • Healthier CACFP Award Sample Application
  • Healthier CACFP Award Resource Book 2024


There are Quick Reference Guides available to assist you in using the CNPWeb. These can be easily accessed at: Quick Reference Guides | Child and Adult Care Food Program | Health & Senior Services (

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) assures that nutritious meals and snacks are served to children and eligible adults enrolled in child care centers, family child care homes, after school programs, emergency shelters, and adult day care programs by providing reimbursement for meals that meet minimum nutritional standards.

CACFP requires that well-balanced meals are served and good eating habits are taught. The program also provides training and technical assistance on nutrition, food service operations, program management, nutrition education and recordkeeping.

CACFP is administered by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) and funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

kids eating


Links to Important Information

CACFP Crediting Handbook

The Crediting Handbook for the Child and Adult Care Food Program is designed by the USDA to be a companion to the Food Buying Guide. This handbook is a source to help determine creditable foods allowed in CACFP. The list of creditable and non-creditable foods in this publication is not all-inclusive. This publication includes only those foods that are commonly served in child care programs and foods USDA has received inquiries about or has noted as being credited incorrectly.

Public Notice

The Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Community Food and Nutrition Assistance is requesting that USDA approve the state requested waiver to allow participating CACFP At-Risk Afterschool sponsoring organizations the option to serve meals during the current school year in a non-congregate setting for up to 10 days during unanticipated school closures with no virtual learning in place.  The school closure must be related to natural disasters, unscheduled major building repairs, court orders relating to school safety or other issues, labor-management disputes, or, when approved by CFNA, similar unanticipated causes. The non-congregate meals can only be claimed if served with prior written approval before implementation.

For more information regarding this requested waiver, email the Child and Adult Care Food Program at