Costs involved in applying to the Program for Dietetic Interns

picture of a scale

There is no application fee to apply to the Program for Dietetic Interns (PDI).

Pre-select applicants

See Application Process for required materials and additional information.

Computer match applicants

Those interested in applying through the computer matching option should contact the program director after February 1st annually to inquire about available positions. See Application Process for additional information.

  • The PDI program is using the on-line centralized internship application, DICAS, which may be accessed at (NOTE: The DICAS portal won't be available until after December 8, for the Spring Match); e-mail The fee to use DICAS is $40 for the first application submitted and $20 for each additional application. An applicant video explaining the process can be found on the web site under the ‘For Student’ section or under ‘Resources’ at
  • Applicants must also register online for computer matching at and select dietetic internship priority choices by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on February 15. There is a $50.00 computer matching fee. You may register online by paying the $50 Registration Fee by a VISA/MASTERCARD credit card (with a USA billing address).

Costs involved in completion of the PDI

The intern will be responsible for costs involved in the completion of the program. Access to the internet is required. Estimated intern expenditures during the course of the program:

Program Fee, except where waived* $5,000
*There is no fee for those interns who are employed by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services’ WIC Program or employed by a Missouri Local WIC Provider. A $5,000 fee applies to all other interns.
**Effective with 2015-2016 Internship Class

Textbooks and supplies $400

Professional liability insurance ~$100-$125

Student membership in Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics ;~$50

RD practice exam or review course ~$450 + travel expenses

Cost of living: Intern is responsible for making their own housing arrangements for Jefferson City meetings, didactic sessions and other rotations necessitating temporary housing. When two or more interns are from the same area of the state or request the same area of the state for rotations and rotation sites will only take one intern, preference is given according to ranking of the intern during the selection process.

Apartment - estimated at $500-$800/month
Motel estimated at $3,000/eight weeks
Food - variable, at the expense of the intern

Gas, vehicle expenses, automobile insurance: Reliable transportation is required. There may be a great deal of traveling (200 miles or more, round trip, per day). Travel will be greatly reduced for those interns willing to obtain temporary housing in each location of supervised practice.

Commission on Dietetics Registration examination fee  ~$200

Lab coat(s) and uniform(s)  $100

Medical tests and immunizations required by the affiliate sites include but are not limited to:  (~ $300-$400)

  • Physical examination, indicating the intern has no communicable diseases and is safe to be around children
  • 14 panel urine drug screen - negative results,
  • Tetanus Diptheria (Td) or (Tdap), documented within 10 years,
  • Mantoux Tuberculin (Tb) skin test, If > 2 yrs since last Tb test, need 2 Tb tests at least one week apart; Must be annually tested once every 12 months after initial 2 step testing.
  • Varicella Vaccination, 2 vaccines 1 month apart or proof of Positive titer
  • MMR positive titers or documentation of two immunizations (one after 1980),
  • Hepatitis A,
  • Hepatitis B status by immunization (series of 3) or Titer

Criminal background check required by the affiliate sites include but are not limited to:

  • FBI Identification Record Request/Criminal Background Check ~$50
  • Missouri Family Care Safety Registry ~$25

Any costs associated with professional organization meetings:
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND): ~$1,200
*Missouri Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (MoAND): ~$360
and/ or *WIC Conference (bi-ennial) ~$300

Health/medical insurance: varies
Interns are responsible for their own health/medical insurance.


*Attendance required at these conferences