Child & Adolescent Tool Kit for Healthcare Providers

Activity & Nutrition Tool Kit for Children & Adolescents
This Tool Kit is for healthcare providers treating youth in their practice. The number of overweight children has doubled in the past two decades and continues to climb.
How will this tool kit impact your practice?
Healthcare providers play an important role in helping children and adolescents maintain or achieve a healthy weight and in preventing future obesity. The Healthcare Work Group from the Missouri Council for Activity and Nutrition (MOCAN) has developed this Tool Kit to help providers effectively screen, assess and treat youth with weight issues. The Tool Kit resources summarize recommendations from the scientific literature and expert work groups related to child and adolescent obesity.
The Child and Adolescent Tool Kit contains the following valuable resources:
All toolkit resources in (.pdf) format
- Introduction on Managing Overweight Children and Adolescents
- Family Lifestyle Self-Assessment
- Family Pledge & Goal Log
- Pocket Guide: “Screening and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight”
- Healthy Families: Tips for Parents
- "10 Tips for Building a Healthy Meal"
- "10 Tips for An Active Family"
- BMI-for-Age Percentiles Growth Charts
- Stature for Age Percentiles Growth Charts
- Blood Pressure Tables
- Blood Cholesterol Classification Chart
- Addendum Assessment and Counseling Form for Pediatric Overweight
- State of Missouri Consensus Screening Guidelines for Pre-diabetes and Diabetes
- Expert Committee Recommendations on Assessment, Prevention, and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity
- Resource Listing
The complete Tool Kit is also available for download.
Additional Resources Available for Providers
- Simple Table to Identify Children and Adolescents Needing Further Evaluation of Blood Pressure
- Obesity and Related Co-Morbidities Coding Fact Sheet for Primary Care