2 Minute Drill for Vector-Borne Diseases

Protecting yourself from the bites of ticks and mosquitoes is simple. Invest a couple of minutes in these quick and easy steps to help make sure that you and your family are protected from diseases that these insects can spread!

2 Minute Drill for Mosquitoes
- Choose long sleeves and long pants when spending time outdoors, weather permitting.
- This reduces the amount of exposed skin where mosquitoes will bite.
- Apply insect repellent to any exposed skin.
- Look for products that contain DEET, picaridin, or IR3535 to keep mosquitoes away.
- Read label directions carefully!
- Look for and get rid of standing water in your yard. Mosquitoes can breed there!
- Check toys, buckets, flower pots, or other items.
- For bird baths and pet water dishes, dump, scrub, and replace water frequently to get rid of mosquito eggs!
For more information about mosquitoes, visit the Zika and West Nile virus pages.

2 Minute Drill for Ticks
- Choose long sleeves and long pants when spending time outdoors, weather permitting.
- Wear light colored clothing to help you spot ticks faster!
- Apply insect repellent to any exposed skin.
- Look for products that contain at least 20% DEET, picaridin, or IR3535 to keep ticks away.
- Read label directions carefully!
- Check your clothing and skin for ticks frequently, even while you are outside.
- After returning inside, shower as soon as possible and check all parts of the body carefully.
- Remove attached ticks as soon as possible!
For more information about ticks, visit the tick-borne disease page.