Eligibility for Free Mammograms and Pap Tests 2023-2024

As a woman, you may qualify for free breast and cervical cancer screenings, just as thousands of women have already done.* Missouri's Show Me Healthy Women (SMHW) program provides these cancer screenings free to age and income eligible women.
Do you or someone you know meet Missouri's SMHW program AGE and INCOME eligibility guidelines below?
Age Guidelines
Women Age 21-49
- Are eligible for cervical cancer screening services, clinical breast exam (CBE) and diagnostic follow-up for abnormal results.
Women Age 40-64
- Are eligible for breast and cervical cancer screening services, clinical breast exam (CBE) and diagnostic follow-up for abnormal results.
Women Over Age 64
- Those over the age of 64 who do not have Medicare Part B may also receive services through the program.
Cervical Cancer Screenings for Women who have had a Hysterectomy
- Due to cervical cancer or dysplasia are eligible for CBE, pelvic examination and Pap test.
- Due to any reason other than cervical cancer or dysplasia are eligible for one Pap test and pelvic examination to determine the absence or presence of the cervix.
- Due to conditions other than cervical cancer or dysplasia and the cervix is absent are eligible for a CBE.
Click here for Income Guidelines
For more information, call the National Cancer Institute Cancer Information Service (CIS) at 1-800-422-6237, press option “1”, or contact us.
*Women with MO HealthNet, Medicare Part B or HMO health coverage are not eligible for SMHW.
Updated: February 2013