
The Screening Improvement Project… focuses in 3 key phases:
- The first phase is includes providing educational materials on current cancer screening recommendations sent to state employees.
- The second phase included providing webinar trainings to state employees to test knowledge of breast and colorectal cancer before the screening events.
- The third phase is implementing the One-Stop Shop Screening Events which includes the use of breast cancer screenings provided by mam van and offering colorectal cancer screenings with take home stool FIT kits. Additional educational materials regarding other cancer screenings were also provided. Note: This toolkit was developed out of the pilot event to serve as a guide for other organizations.
DHSS Comprehensive Cancer Screening Improvement Project Tool Kit
- Published Article
- Pilot
- Recruitment Strategies
- Website Resources
- SMART Goals
- Ambassadors
- Promotional Items
- Incentives
- Itinerary
- Marketing (Note: the Marketing templates are on Canva, so you will need to sign-in to use)
- Pre-Survey
- Post-Survey
- Webinar
- Webinar Script