Rural Health Clinics
In Missouri the majority of the population resides in urban counties (3.9 million residents).
Health care resources in rural Missouri are limited, even for those who have health insurance, have no financial difficulty, and have access to transportation.
The importance of Rural Health Clinics are tremendous in helping rural Missourians to have access to healthcare. Missouri’s rural health clinics play an important part in providing health care to our underserved areas in MO.
Patients receive needed care and benefits of familiarity to physicians, nurses and staff play an important part in patient adherence to their health.
For information on Rural Health Clinic regulations or becoming a Center for Medicaid Services (CMS) certified Rural Health Clinic, contact our Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Diagnostic Services Program (Missouri Radiation Control, CLIA, and RuralHealth Clinics) at: 573-751-6318, or by email:
Practice Operations National Database (POND) is a free tool that delivers insights into your practice operations to help you improve financial, operational, and quality performance! The Missouri Office of Rural Health is excited to offer this resource to you for free!