Data Release Policies, Procedures & Guidelines

Research Use
Use of vital records or patient abstract data in a systematic study designed to understand, promote, or safeguard the health of a defined population. Marketing studies or studies designed to use data on a specific provider will not be approved due to statutory limitations.

Administrative/Public Health Practice Use
Use of vital records or patient abstract data by agencies administering health, welfare, safety, law enforcement, education or public assistance programs as part of their official mandate. Not for purposes of commercial solicitation or private gain.

Missouri LPHA Use
Limited Data Sets for use by Missouri Local Public Health Agencies for local health planning and program activities. This option only covers requests for the standard data sets and does not cover other special requests which would be considered under Research Use or Administrative/Public Health Practice Use.

Public Health Surveillance Data
Public health surveillance includes data collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination to help guide health officials and programs in directing and conducting disease control and prevention activities. However, surveillance does not include control or prevention activities themselves.