Data & Statistical Reports
Have questions? Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about our data and methodology. Monthly cumulative counts by county and other dashboard data for download available here.
- Source: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Office of Epidemiology, Missouri Health Surveillance Information System (WebSurv). Based on annual frozen data files for 2012-2022. 2023 data is provisional and subject to change as additional reports are received.
- STD data contains all confirmed or probable cases. Syphilis data include primary, secondary, early latent, and latent forms of syphilis. For details about case definitions, please refer to the CDC’s website. The top panel shows total statewide case counts for each disease. Hovering over the bars will give corresponding case rates per 100k. The map illustrates total case rates per 100k by county. Hovering over each county gives the total number of cases as well as the total case rate. The third panel bar graph displays total case rates by various demographics such as age group, race, and sex. Hovering over the bars will give the case rates per 100k. Filters for Year, County and Demographics apply only to the bottom two panels.